This is the closest I will ever get to livestream with this computer hurhur. Now shun me and my sloppy ways.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Sorry the last part is a bit of a hurdle i forgot to take progress caps OTL
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
started this like 2 weeks ago OTL forgot about it now Don't have any motivation to finish it haha.
I haven't drawn anything on paper for ahwile it feels like, I feel so rusty at it. DAMN YOU TABLET I DO LOVE YOU THOUGH!
Friday, April 9, 2010
I'm reading Orange*Planet again...It's so Cute I love it...but then I start to feel old. I wish I had a tragic high school romance with love triangles and cliches when I was in high school hurhur.
Also If you couldn't guess My Blog name is twist of the title creative.